Matti Ylönen

This list may not necessarily be always up-to-date, please see my Google Scholar page for more detailed information.

Peer-reviewed books

Kuusela, H. & Ylönen, M. (2013). Konsulttidemokratia: Miten valtiosta tehdään tyhmä ja tehoton. [Consultant democracy: Creation of a dumb and inefficient state]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press.

Publications in academic journals / books

Ylönen, M. & Kuusela, H. (2019 ). “Consultocracy and its discontents: A critical typology and a call for a research agenda”, Governance 32(2): 241–258.

Ylönen, M. (2018). Planned Economies? Corporations, Tax Avoidance and World PoliticsPhD Thesis. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.

Ylönen, M, & Teivainen, T. (2018). “Politics of Intra-Firm Trade: Corporate Price Planning and the Double Role of the Arm’s Length Principle”, New Political Economy 23(4): 441–457. An earlier version of this article won the Amartya Sen Prize granted by Yale University in 2015.

Ylönen, M. & Eskelinen, T. (2017). “Panama and the WTO: New Constitutionalism of Trade Policy and Global Tax Governance, Review of International Political Economy 24(4): 629–656.

Koponen, J. & Ylönen, M. (2017). “Kehitysmaat maailmantaloudessa,” [Developing countries in the world economy], in Koponen, J., Lanki, J., Sato, M. and Kervinen, A. (eds) Kehityksen tutkimus: Johdatus perusteisiin [Development research: Introduction to the basics], Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press.

Ylönen, M. (2016). “Cities as World-Political Actors? The ‘Tax Haven-Free’ Cities Initiative and the Politics of Public Procurement”, Palgrave Communications, 2017.

Ylönen, M. (2016). “Back from Oblivion? The Rise and Fall of the Early Initiatives against Corporate Tax Avoidance from the 1960s to the 1980s”, Transnational Corporations Journal, 2016.

Ylönen, M. (2016). “Yksityinen käänne: kehitysrahoituksen uusi instrumentalismi,” [Private turn: New instrumentalism of development financing], Politiikka 58(1): 69–79.

Ylönen, M. & Laine, M. (2015). “For Logistical Reasons Only? A Case Study of Corporate Tax Planning and Social Responsibility Reporting”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting Journal 33: 5–23.

Ylönen, M. (2012). “Varjonyrkkeilyä rahoitusmarkkinaverosta” [Debating the financial transaction tax]. Review article in Journalismikritiikin vuosikirja [The yearbook of journalism critique], University of Tampere.

Simola, E. & Ylönen, M. (2011). “Miksi vastuuttomuus kannattaa? Veronmaksu ja yritysvastuu”, [Why irresponsibility is profitable? Taxes and corporate responsibility] in Mäkinen, J. (eds.), Vastuullinen liiketoiminta muuttuvassa maailmassa, Helsinki: Gaudeamus Helsinki University Press.

Ylönen, M. (2011). “Monikansallisten yritysten avoin kirjanpito ja verotus globaalin demokratian
edellytyksinä” [The transparent financial reporting and the global democracy], Futura2/2011. The Finnish Society for Future Studies.

Ylönen, M (2007). “Sovereign Ventures? Transborder Corporations and Politics of Offshore.”(Master’s thesis), Accountancy Affairs and the Public Interest, vol. 6(2):2007.

Working papers

Ylönen, M. (2017). Policy diffusion within international organizations: A bottom-up analysis of International Monetary Fund tax work in Panama, Seychelles, and the Netherlands, UNU- WIDER Working Paper 157, 2017.

Other non-fiction books

Ylönen, M. and Remes, M. (2015). Velkatohtorit [The Guardians of Debt]. Helsinki: Into Kustannus.

Maailmantalouden ABC ja D. [ABC and D of the World Economy]. Co-authored with Hanna Kuusela. Attac Helsinki.

Mahti kukkarossa: Johdatus maailmanpankkiin ja IMF:ään. [Introduction to the World Bank and the IMF]. Into Kustannus, Helsinki.

Tulosvaroitus. [Proft Warning]. With Teppo Eskelinen. Into Kustannus, Helsinki.Veroparatiisit. 20 ratkaisua varjotalouteen. [Tax Havens: 20 Solutions to the Shadow economy]. Into Kustannus, Helsinki.

Maailmantalouden ABC ja D. [ABC of the World Economy].  With Hanna Kuusela. Attac Helsinki.

Comprehensive Social Policies for Development in a Globalizing World. Co-edited with Timo Voipio and Ronald Wiman, The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Helsinki.

Evaluations for the parliament of Finland

Contributor to an evaluation on the Finnish government’s actions against the grey economy; A study commissioned by the Control Board of the Finnish parliament; A commissioned background memo evaluating the government’s work.

Evaluator for the Development Policy Committee of Finland; Development Policy Committee of Finland

Selected other publications

Pearce, O., Curtis, M., Finér, L. and Ylönen, M. (2017). Making tax vanish: How the practices of consumer goods MNC RB show that the international tax system is broken. London: Oxfam International.

Ylönen, M., Nilsson, E., Mäki, N., Hakkarainen, O., Lundqvist, A.-S., Sinisaari, N. and Peltola, M. (2015). Vienninedistämistä vai kehitysyhteistyötä? Yksityinen sektori kehitystoimijana.[Export promotion or development cooperation? Private sector as a development actor]. Helsinki: Kepa.

Kuusela, H. and Ylönen, M. (2015). Ulkoistajan ja yhtiöittäjän käsikirja [Outsourcing handbook]. Helsinki: Kalevi Sorsa Foundation.

Messinkilaattojen valtakunta. [The use of holding companies by the Finnish multinationals]. A report for Finnwatch, Helsinki. 2014.

Ei tietoja, ei tuloja? Outotec, Attendo ja vastuullinen veronmaksu [No profits, No transparency? Outotec, Attendo and their payment of taxes]. With Henri Purje. A report for Finnwatch. 2013.

Mitä vuosituhattavoitteiden jälkeen? [What after the Millennium Development Goals?]. A report for KEPA, Helsinki.Mikä kehityspolitiikka?, [What Development Policy?]. A guide for politicians, KEPA.

Nokelainen, P., Purje, H. and Ylönen, M. (2009). Laiton pääomapako kehitysmaista [Illicit financial flows from developing countries]. Helsinki: Kepa.


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